28. May 2019

PRO­PRO­JEKT in Tokyo with Team D and the German Para­lympic Team

As part of the pre-tour for part­ners of Team D and the German Para­lympic Team for Tokyo 2020, the German Sports Mar­ket­ing GmbH (DSM) hosted a recep­tion in the future German House - the meet­ing point for ath­letes, part­ners, rep­res­ent­at­ives from polit­ics and media as well as the whole olympic and para­lympic sports family. On the ter­race of the Aqua City Mall with a view over the sky­line, PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P presen­ted the concept for the German House to guests of the DSM, the German Olympic Sports Con­fed­er­a­tion (DOSB) and the German ambas­sador to Japan.

Partnerreise_Deutsches Haus Tokyo 2020_03
Partnerreise_Deutsches Haus Tokyo 2020_02
Partnerreise_Deutsches Haus Tokyo 2020_01