21. August 2024

PROJECT at the

Panel discussion on holistic sports facility development

As part of the eps ARENA SUMMIT 2024, PRO­PRO­JEKT, together with AS+P, will hold a panel dis­cus­sion on 9 Octo­ber at 3:30 pm on the topic of ‘Hol­istic sports facil­ity devel­op­ment’ based on the feas­ib­il­ity study on the future devel­op­ment of the Dutzendteich sports area in Nurem­berg.

The fol­low­ing topics will be dis­cussed with rep­res­ent­at­ives of the City of Nurem­berg, the sta­dium and the club: 

Sus­tain­able neigh­bour­hood devel­op­ment versus mono­func­tional sta­dium mod­ern­isa­tion

As part of a feas­ib­il­ity study, the City of Nurem­berg, together with FC Nurem­berg, has eval­u­ated val­id­ated recom­mend­a­tions for trans­form­ing the exist­ing Max-Mor­lock-Sta­dium and the neigh­bour­ing land­scaped area and Dutzendteich city park into a future-proof and sus­tain­able sports dis­trict. What are the argu­ments in favour of devel­op­ing a hol­istic sports quarter instead of select­ive sta­dium mod­ern­isa­tion? How has the high level of accept­ance of the pro­ject among politi­cians, the local com­munity and the FC Nurem­berg fan scene been achieved to date? What is the cur­rent status of the pro­ject and what are the next steps?

Two in One instead of silo build­ings in sport

For the ARENA NÜRN­BER­GER Ver­sicher­ung loc­ated in the Dutzendteich sports com­plex, ini­tial con­cep­tual approaches for future devel­op­ment and restruc­tur­ing were also dis­cussed as part of the feas­ib­il­ity study. What syn­ergy poten­tial exists with regard to the joint util­isa­tion of resources? How do ver­sat­ile util­isa­tion options poten­ti­ate or can­ni­bal­ise each other? What are the advant­ages and dis­ad­vant­ages of joint oper­a­tion? What ideas are being con­sidered for a joint energy supply?

0405_01_Machbarkeitsstudie Nürnberg

The esp ARENA SUMMIT is an industry get-together for the sta­dium and arena busi­ness to exchange ideas between oper­at­ors, clubs, com­pan­ies, spon­sors and event organ­isers and will take place for the sixth time on 9 and 10 Octo­ber 2024 at Deutsche Bank Park in Frank­furt.

To the esp ARENA SUMMIT web­site