07. Februar 2018

IOC pub­lishes The New Norm for Olympic Games

After over a year of ana­lyses and devel­op­ment, the Inter­na­tional Olympic Com­mit­tee’s (IOC) reform pro­gramme The New Norm was presen­ted at the 132nd IOC Ses­sion in PyeongChang.The pro­gramme, con­sist­ing of a set of 118 meas­ures, covers the whole life­cycle of an edi­tion of the Olympic Games from can­did­ature to organ­isa­tion and legacy. It will provide host cities with increased flex­ib­il­ity in design­ing the Games to meet long-term devel­op­ment goals, and will ensure that National Olympic Com­mit­tees and cities receive more assist­ance from the IOC and Olympic Move­ment stake­hold­ers. The adop­tion of all meas­ures could lead to max­imum sav­ings of up to USD 500m in the organ­isa­tion of Olympic and Para­lympic Winter Games and up to USD 1bn in the organ­isa­tion of Olympic and Para­lympic Games. PRO­PO­JEKT and AS+P assisted the IOC in the devel­op­ment of the pro­gramme.

See here the IOC’s press release

Neue Norm für Olympische Spiele