24. July 2024

Frankfurt Airport opens up to the south

0422_06_Fraport_Koordinierte Baulogistik 4.0
© Fraport AG

An important step has been taken towards connecting Terminal 3, which is currently under construction.

After a con­struc­tion period of around five years, the trans­port link to the future south will be put into oper­a­tion and con­nec­ted to the exist­ing infra­struc­ture.

0422_01_Fraport_Koordinierte Baulogistik 4.0
0422_02_Fraport_Koordinierte Baulogistik 4.0

As part of the coordin­ated con­struc­tion logist­ics pro­ject, PRO­PRO­JEKT will con­tinue to be respons­ible for the over­all man­age­ment of the con­struc­tion pro­jects on behalf of Fra­port AG, both in rela­tion to each other and to ongo­ing air­port oper­a­tions.

To the offi­cial press release

To the pro­ject