10. October 2024

Forum partner at the eps ARENA SUMMIT 2024

As a forum part­ner, PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­por­ted this year's eps ARENA SUMMIT 2024 at Deutsche Bank Park. Together with AS+P, we presen­ted our hol­istic expert­ise in concept devel­op­ment and pro­cess sup­port with regard to the devel­op­ment of sports facil­it­ies to an inter­ested spe­cial­ist audi­ence at the two-day lead­ing event for the German-speak­ing sports facil­ity industry.

123_01_EPS Arena Summit 2024
© Gabriele Griessenboeck
123_02_EPS Arena Summit 2024
© Gabriele Griessenboeck
123_03_EPS Arena Summit 2024
© Gabriele Griessenboeck
123_04_EPS Arena Summit 2024
© Gabriele Griessenboeck

Based on our involve­ment in devel­op­ing a new foot­ball sta­dium in Nurem­berg, we dis­cussed cur­rent trends and innov­at­ive ideas for sus­tain­able urban and sports venue devel­op­ment with rep­res­ent­at­ives from the City of Nurem­berg, Nurem­berg Foot­ball Club and Nürn­bergMesse. We would like to thank our part­ner ESB Mar­ket­ing Net­zwerk AG for the suc­cess­ful event and the per­fect organ­isa­tion and are already look­ing for­ward to the eps ARENA SUMMIT 2025.