18. Februar 2019

First mile­stone achieved – New con­struc­tion Seni­orinnen­wohnan­lage Schwar­zburgstraße 12

After the suc­cess­ful demoli­tion and dis­mant­ling of the exist­ing build­ing Schwar­zburgstraße 12, the con­struc­tion of the new res­id­en­tial com­plex, real­ized by the gen­eral con­tractor Peter Gross Hoch- und Tief­bau GmbH & Co. KG, Kais­er­slaut­ern, star­ted in Janu­ary 2019. On 19/02/2019, the base plate was con­creted and thus reached the first mile­stone of the new con­struc­tion. The new build­ing, accord­ing to the design of the gen­eral plan­ning office a|sh architek­ten, Lud­wig­shafen, will provide 31 res­id­en­tial units on the upper floors as well as shared areas for dis­trict-related usage on the ground floor. The com­ple­tion of the res­id­en­tial com­plex for needy eld­erly women is sched­uled for spring 2020.

To the pro­ject

Baustellenbilder Schwarzburgstraße_03
Baustellenbilder Schwarzburgstraße_02
Baustellenbilder Schwarzburgstraße_01
Baustellenbilder Schwarzburgstraße_03
Baustellenbilder Schwarzburgstraße_02