15. February 2021

Concept study for the Round­Glass Sports Academy in India

Round­Glass Well­being India wants to build a state-of-the-art sports academy in Punjab province in north­ern India. Besides the focus sports foot­ball, hockey and tennis, it will offer world-class facil­it­ies and equip­ment not only for sports train­ing but also for edu­ca­tion, sport sci­ence, accom­mod­a­tion, and cul­tural events.

PRO­PRO­JEKT together with AS+P was com­mis­sioned to develop the concept and ana­lyze the feas­ib­il­ity of the sports academy. This included the devel­op­ment of the vision for the academy, a detailed pro­gram­ming, pre­lim­in­ary archi­tec­tural design options and a detailed cost plan­ning as well as oper­at­ing assess­ment.

To the pro­ject

RoundGlass Sports Academy 02
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