
Dear Busi­ness Part­ners and Friends,

Over the past year, we have taken a lot of time to exam­ine our work pro­cesses, values and goals. With the aim of advan­cing a sus­tain­able, motiv­at­ing and suc­cess­ful cor­por­ate cul­ture, we estab­lished a ‘Youth Coun­cil’ which is made up of col­leagues under the age of 28 who have been with the com­pany for less than two years. Over the past few months, they have asked crit­ical ques­tions, looked at future issues, and developed numer­ous sug­ges­tions.

We are look­ing for­ward to meet­ing the chal­lenges of the young­est PRO­PRO­JEKT gen­er­a­tion and bring­ing the pro­gress­ive cre­ativ­ity of the Youth Coun­cil to bear, for both our own growth and pro­fes­sional integ­ra­tion into your pro­jects.

Find out more about the Youth Coun­cil's topics below and stay curi­ous and young in 2025.

Your PRO­PRO­JEKT team


Cor­por­ate devel­op­ment

In order to incor­por­ate the ideas and chal­lenges of the latest PRO­PRO­JEKT gen­er­a­tion into our cor­por­ate devel­op­ment, the Youth Coun­cil closely examined exist­ing busi­ness pro­cesses and in response developed innov­at­ive pro­pos­als to ensure that PRO­PRO­JEKT takes a hol­istic and future-ori­ented approach. Together, we have updated our most import­ant cor­por­ate prin­ciples, moved our com­pli­ance guidelines for­ward in line with the times, and ini­ti­ated pro­ced­ures to com­mu­nic­ate stra­tegic and busi­ness decisions better and more trans­par­ently within the organ­isa­tion.


Per­sonal devel­op­ment per­spect­ives

With a view to fur­ther pro­mot­ing the pro­fes­sional and per­sonal devel­op­ment of all our team mem­bers, the Youth Coun­cil has developed indi­vidual train­ing pro­grammes and updated incent­ives. By nur­tur­ing new skills, we seek to increase the team’s motiv­a­tion and com­mit­ment, provide expert­ise, qual­ity, and a focused approach to cur­rent trends and chal­lenges, and ensure our prom­ising new talent remains loyal to us in the long term.

‘It's a great pleasure to have the opportunity to critically question internal processes and introduce new, innovative solutions that are appreciated by both management and colleagues and perceived as a real asset.’

Youth Council

Cooper­a­tion and work­ing atmo­sphere

The Youth Coun­cil took a close look at our internal col­lab­or­at­ive pro­cesses and eval­u­ated the gen­eral and per­sonal work­load. In order to create a dynamic and inclus­ive work atmo­sphere and dis­trib­ute tasks more evenly, we now intend to strengthen net­work­ing within our pro­jects and loc­a­tions and increase our focus on cooper­at­ive dia­logue. We will also move digit­isa­tion of our busi­ness pro­cesses for­wards in the coming year and imple­ment the use of modern tech­no­lo­gies such as arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.


Values and respons­ib­il­ity

To ensure PRO­PRO­JEKT's pos­it­ive public image as a respons­ible com­pany is main­tained in the long term, the Youth Coun­cil care­fully stud­ied our cor­por­ate values. With the goal of strength­en­ing trust within our team and in our pro­jects through trans­par­ent and eth­ical busi­ness prac­tices, we want to focus on active role models instead of rigid guidelines and at the same time foster the cour­age innate in indi­vidu­al­ity. Another key con­cern of the Youth Coun­cil was to eval­u­ate PRO­PRO­JEKT's social com­mit­ment and review our track record on sus­tain­ab­il­ity. In addi­tion to the offset scheme, we already have in place for our carbon emis­sions, we will be com­pil­ing a report on our value chain pur­su­ant to the German Sus­tain­ab­il­ity Code for the first time in 2025.