
Trust, transparency
and responsibility.

We live hon­esty, cand­our, and a team spirit. We encour­age per­sonal skills to be brought to bear and offer the scope to act inde­pend­ently.

Instead of rigid rules, hier­arch­ies, and KPIs, we pri­or­it­ise mutual trust: Our cli­ents can trust that our team will not only manage their pro­jects for them but drive the pro­jects for­ward. The team can trust in suc­cess being a team effort. And each indi­vidual team member can trust in being a cru­cial member of the team.

We work effi­ciently.

In our day-to-day work, our plan­ning and con­sult­ing ser­vices are only sus­tain­able if they take into account future needs without cre­at­ing over­ca­pa­city. We see shar­ing know­ledge, integ­rat­ing out­side per­spect­ives, and taking our imme­di­ate and indir­ect envir­on­ment into account are import­ant tasks in our daily work. We respond to the require­ments of the respect­ive pro­ject envir­on­ment. And we pro­act­ively advise our cli­ents by devis­ing resource-effi­cient con­cepts. 

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© Angelika Stehle

We act sus­tain­ably.

We try to oper­ate our office in an eco­nom­ical and envir­on­ment­ally friendly way, and we rely on local and sus­tain­able pro­cure­ment of our work equip­ment and con­sum­ables. In addi­tion to resource-saving pur­chas­ing, we feel it espe­cially import­ant to avoid any and all unne­ces­sary waste and pack­aging mater­i­als.

Ecological travel

We promote individual and local mobility by offering “job bikes” and promoting the switch to electric vehicles. When traveling within Germany, we avoid short-haul flights and travel by train instead. For all unavoidable air travel in our international projects, we consciously offset the resulting carbon emissions.

Sustainable procurement

We use 100% green electricity for our offices in order to reduce emissions for the operation of our IT infrastructure, our office lighting, our devices in the kitchenettes, and our electric vehicles. We also try to improve our ecological footprint step by step by using sustainable and regional products.

We are keenly aware of our social responsibility to protect the climate and are facing up to this special challenge. We see saving energy as an essential contribution to protecting our environment for future generations.

Immanuel Geis — Member of the Management Board

In order to live up to this ambi­tion, we have been cal­cu­lat­ing our cor­por­ate carbon foot­print since 2022 with assist­ance from the inter­na­tional cli­mate pro­tec­tion organ­isa­tion 'myc­li­mate' and make valu­able con­tri­bu­tions to fin­an­cing high-qual­ity cli­mate pro­tec­tion pro­jects. For the report­ing year 2023 unavoid­able emis­sions amount­ing to 82 tonnes of CO2e were com­pensated.

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We think socially.

We believe that there are values and prin­ciples that apply to all cul­tures: a human approach and social justice. Honest and fair deal­ings with one another and with our cli­ents are simply givens. We want to live a prac­tice of trust at work and are com­mit­ted to team spirit, diversity, respect and inter­na­tion­al­ity. We want to shape an organ­iz­a­tional cul­ture in which our team can develop and act together in a way that con­serves resources and makes eco­nomic sense.

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Social commitment

To promote our environment, we regularly support selected initiatives in their social commitment efforts. In 2017, for example, we acted as volunteers supporting the street soccer league in Frankfurt to strengthen civil society in Frankfurt. In 2021, together with AS+P, we provided free advice and support to the Frankfurt support organization for children with cancer during the structural analysis and the real-estate economic evaluation of their properties. In 2022, we were proud to be volunteers at the 3rd State Games of Special Olympics Hessen and thus make an active contribution to inclusion in sport.