25. July 2022

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the imple­ment­a­tion of the URBAN SPORTS PARK at the Mainkai

How much sport can the city take and how much city can sport take in Frank­furt am Main?”

This is pre­cisely the issue that is now being addressed with the open­ing of the Mainkai between Alter Brücke and Unter­main­brücke in Frank­furt am Main. Together with nine school classes and other com­mit­ted help­ers, the URBAN SPORTS PARK was cre­ated in just three days, where a diverse sports and exer­cise pro­gram will take place in the coming weeks, invit­ing people to par­ti­cip­ate and try things out. Besides sports offers from clubs and the adult edu­ca­tion center (VHS), a 4x4 bas­ket­ball tour­na­ment, dance nights, run­ning train­ing and much more will take place in the URBAN SPORTS PARK.

The vision of the "City as Sta­dium" already has a long his­tory at PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P, which is why we are pleased to have been decis­ively involved in the devel­op­ment of the concept idea and to sup­port the organ­izer "Sportkreis Frank­furt" and the sports depart­ment in the imple­ment­a­tion of "Sport" in the con­text of the "Sommer am Main 2022". PRO­PRO­JEKT is respons­ible for con­cep­tu­al­iz­ing and coordin­at­ing the sports and exer­cise pro­gram with Frank­furt's clubs, insti­tu­tions and many other stake­hold­ers.

An over­view of the pro­gram and fur­ther inform­a­tion on “Sommer am Main 2022” can be found here.

To the pro­ject

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