08. Februar 2022

Feas­ib­il­ity study for a new ice hall in Freiburg

PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned by the city of Freiburg im Bre­is­gau to carry out a detailed demand ana­lysis as the basis for an eco­niomic feas­ib­il­ity study for a new a new ice rink in Freiburg. For this pur­pose, the rel­ev­ant user groups were iden­ti­fied and their demands and require­ments trans­ferred to a demand plan with recom­mend­a­tions for spec­tator capa­city, number of ice rinks, stand­ards and func­tions, serving as the basis for the devel­op­ment of a space pro­gram as well as schem­atic test plans.

In order to assess the prof­it­ab­il­ity of the hall, both the costs (con­struc­tion, main­ten­ance, fin­an­cing, oper­a­tion) and the rev­enue poten­tial (e.g. naming rights, spon­sor­ing, tick­et­ing, hos­pit­al­ity, cater­ing) were determ­ined and com­pared in scen­arios. In addi­tion, vari­ous imple­ment­a­tion and oper­ator models were com­pared and eval­u­ated, dif­fer­ences between con­ven­tional and mod­u­lar con­struc­tion were high­lighted, and pos­sible expan­sion options were ana­lysed and eval­u­ated.

To the pro­ject

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