
Pro­ject Man­age­ment 
St. Kath­ar­inen- and Weiß­frauen­stift

Neubau Schwarzburgstraße_01
Frankfurt am Main
St. Katharinen- and Weißfrauenstift

The St. Kath­ar­inen- und Weiß­frauen­stift senior cit­izens res­id­ence - build in 1970 - is loc­ated in an inner-city dis­trict of Frank­furt am Main. The decision to rebuild the com­plex was based on the pre­vi­ous build­ing mater­ial, build­ing tech­no­logy and layout, which do not comply with future require­ments and stand­ards of retire­ment homes. There­fore, the owner decided to rebuild the whole build­ing com­plex on the exist­ing site.

The demoli­tion and dis­mant­ling of the exist­ing build­ing was com­pleted at the end of 2018, the con­struc­tion of the new res­id­en­tial com­plex star­ted in Janu­ary 2019 and was suc­cess­fully com­pleted in August 2020 after one and a half years of con­struc­tion with the turn­key han­dover of the new build­ing to the owner.

The new build­ing has a divided struc­ture with six floors plus attic at the corner Schwar­zburgstraße/ Spohr­straße and 8 floors in the course of Schwar­zburgstraße. In total, 31 bar­rier-free apart­ments for eld­erly women living on their own, as well as ground-floor areas for common use, will be built.

Visualisierung Schwarzburgstraße 12
© a|sh sander hofrichter architekten

PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned with the pro­ject man­age­ment in all plan­ning and real­isa­tion phases to sup­port the St. Kath­ar­inen- und Weiß­frauen­stift as well as to manage a com­pre­hens­ive European ten­der­ing pro­ced­ure to award the object and tech­nical plan­ning ser­vices. Addi­tion­ally, PRO­PRO­JEKT coordin­ated the ten­der­ing pro­cess for the plan­ning and super­vi­sion of the demoli­tion of the exist­ing build­ing.

Neubau Schwarzburgstraße_04
© Hans-Georg Merkel, a|sh sander.hofrichter architekten
Neubau Schwarzburgstraße_03
© Hans-Georg Merkel, a|sh sander.hofrichter architekten
Neubau Schwarzburgstraße_02
© Hans-Georg Merkel, a|sh sander.hofrichter architekten


  • Pro­ject man­age­ment in all plan­ning and real­isa­tion phases
  • Organ­isa­tion, imple­ment­a­tion and assess­ment of an European tender pro­cess for object and tech­nical plan­ning ser­vices
  • Organ­isa­tion of the tender pro­cess for plan­ning and super­vising ser­vices for the demoli­tion of the exist­ing build­ing

Credits / Cover

Visu­al­isa­tion: a|sh sander.hofrichter architek­ten, Lud­wig­shafen

Pro­ject­pic­tures: Hans-Georg Merkel, a|sh sander.hofrichter architek­ten