
National sta­dium selec­tion of the DFB — FIFA Women's World Cup 2027™ Bid

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Frankfurt am Main

In April 2021, the DFB together with the Royal Dutch Foot­ball Asso­ci­ation (KNVB) and the Royal Bel­gian Foot­ball Asso­ci­ation (RBFA) decided to bid for the FIFA Women's World Cup 2027™. Under the motto ‘Break­ing New Ground 2027’, the tour­na­ment should be hosted in four venues in the Neth­er­lands and three venues each in Bel­gium and Ger­many.

Before start­ing to pre­pare the bid­ding doc­u­ments, the three asso­ci­ations will con­duct fair, trans­par­ent and non-dis­crim­in­at­ory selec­tion pro­ced­ures at the national level to identify the most suit­able can­did­ate cities in their coun­tries. PRO­PRO­JEKT was com­mis­sioned by the DFB EURO GmbH to develop the national selec­tion pro­cess for the German can­did­ate cities and to assist in the decision-making pro­cess.

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At the begin­ning, a pre-selec­tion of poten­tial can­did­ate cities was made based on the geo­graph­ical prox­im­ity to the two part­ner nations as well as the basic require­ment regard­ing sta­dium capa­city. Eight cities in the state of North Rhine-West­phalia with a sta­dium of at least 30,000 seats in national league mode were iden­ti­fied and invited to take part in the offi­cial selec­tion pro­cess. During an eight-week pro­cessing period, the poten­tial can­did­ate cities were asked to describe their motiv­a­tion to host the tour­na­ment as well as the meas­ures and con­cepts for the pro­mo­tion of women in foot­ball. Fur­ther, meas­ures for the pro­mo­tion of women, diversity and equal­ity beyond foot­ball, which had already been imple­men­ted or are planned for the future, were asked for. The DFB-bid team eval­u­ated the received feed­back and pre­pared a recom­mend­a­tion for action for the DFB Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee. At the meet­ing on 9 Septem­ber 2022, the DFB Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee fol­lowed the recom­mend­a­tion and decided to select Dortmund, Duis­burg, Düs­sel­dorf and Cologne as the German Can­did­ate Cities for the 2027 FIFA Women’s World Cup Bid. Together with the Dutch and Bel­gian can­did­ate cities, they will be part of the inter­na­tional bid to FIFA.


  • Devel­op­ment of a fair, trans­par­ent and non-dis­crim­in­at­ory selec­tion pro­cess
  • Pre­par­a­tion and coordin­a­tion of pro­cess-rel­ev­ant doc­u­ments and present­a­tions
  • Pre­par­a­tion and sup­port of work­shops with the inter­ested cities
  • Ana­lysis and eval­u­ation of the sub­mit­ted meas­ures and con­cepts
  • Con­tent and design devel­op­ment of an eval­u­ation report
  • Stra­tegic con­sultancy for the DFB through­out the selec­tion pro­cess

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