09. March 2017

Ver­sor­gung­shaus und Wiesen­hüt­ten­stift – Ground­break­ing cere­mony

As part of the fest­iv­it­ies for the 200-year anniversary of the Ver­sor­gung­shaus und Wiesen­hüt­ten­stift, the new con­struc­tion of the assisted living build­ing in Gun­deland­straße 8 in Frank­furt Pre­un­gesheim was star­ted with the ground­break­ing cere­mony on the 9th of March 2017.


The dir­ector of the found­a­tion, Beat­rix Schorr, broke the ground together with senior cit­izens of the found­a­tion and the head of the social depart­ment of the city of Frank­furt, Prof. Daniela Birken­feld.


The new build­ing includes 38 bright and gen­er­ous rental apart­ments, a large common area for activ­it­ies and fest­iv­it­ies, the admin­is­tra­tion of the found­a­tion, a rooftop sauna, as well as a large green park-like patio and is planned to be ready for res­id­ents older than 60 years of age to move in the summer of 2018.


PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the new con­struc­tion in pro­ject man­age­ment and con­trolling.

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Versorgungshaus und Wiesenhüttenstift – Spatenstich Neubau
© Versorgungshaus und Wiesenhüttenstift