23. May 2022

PRO­PRO­JEKT volun­teers at the Spe­cial Olympics State Games in Hesse

The PRO­PRO­JEKT team volun­teered for one day to sup­port the Spe­cial Olympics State Games in Darm­stadt. As active sup­port to the organ­isers on site, we gave sup­port in many dif­fer­ent ways: as time­keep­ers and line judges, encour­agers and motiv­at­ors, medal presenters and sup­port­ing ath­letes in mixed teams as well as enthu­si­astic fans. We really enjoyed the diverse encoun­ters with the ath­letes, the organ­ising com­mit­tee, the super­visors and the spec­tat­ors and are already look­ing for­ward to the upcom­ing high­lights of Spe­cial Olympics in Ger­many: In June 2022, over 4,000 ath­letes will cel­eb­rate the Spe­cial Olympics National Games as a col­our­ful fest­ival of encoun­ters in Berlin. At the same time, the National Games are an import­ant mile­stone on the way to the Spe­cial Olympics World Games Berlin 2023, the world's largest inclus­ive sports event. We are very pleased to have been able to accom­pany and sup­port the organ­ising com­mit­tee in Berlin with the pro­gram man­age­ment on this excit­ing jour­ney towards the event since 2019.

To the pro­ject

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