16. April 2021

PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P vol­un­tar­ily sup­port Hilfe für kreb­skranke Kinder Frank­furt e.V. (Aid for Chil­dren with Cancer Frank­furt)

The non-profit organ­isa­tion Hilfe für kreb­skranke Kinder Frank­furt e.V. (Aid for Chil­dren with Cancer Frank­furt) aims to defeat cancer in chil­dren with the three pil­lars of help­ing, heal­ing and research. Its work includes improv­ing living con­di­tions, sup­port­ing med­ical care, and pro­mot­ing and sup­port­ing research.

In order to pursue these goals, long-term solid fin­an­cing of the asso­ci­ation is of cent­ral import­ance. Through bequests, among other things, the organ­isa­tion occa­sion­ally comes into pos­ses­sion of prop­er­ties of vari­ous sizes and uses, which can help sup­port the fin­an­cial needs of the organ­isa­tion in order to real­ise their many­fold pro­jects to help the chil­dren. So far, these have been sold promptly after receipt and the pro­ceeds from the sales have been trans­ferred to the asso­ci­ation for use.

Together with our part­ners from AS + P, we sup­port the asso­ci­ation on a vol­un­tary basis in eval­u­at­ing the prop­er­ties and making recom­mend­a­tions on how to use the prop­er­ties to max­im­ize the bene­fits. In order to check the optim­iz­a­tion of the use of the objects, the fol­low­ing three options are primar­ily to be con­sidered:

  • Direct, timely sale of the prop­erty
  • Inclu­sion in the port­fo­lio and use of the rental income gen­er­ated by the prop­erty
  • Devel­op­ment (renov­a­tion, upgrad­ing, pos­sibly expan­sion / new con­struc­tion) with sub­sequent options of sale or inclu­sion in the port­fo­lio and use of cur­rent rental income

In order to be able to provide recom­mend­a­tions, a pre­cise struc­tural engin­eer­ing and plan­ning law assess­ment is required, which is provided by AS+P. In addi­tion, a real estate eco­nomic assess­ment is required, which is done by PRO­PRO­JEKT. Fur­ther­more, recom­mend­a­tions are given regard­ing the man­age­ment of the prop­erty and the long-term approach.

You can find more on the Hilfe für kreb­skranke Kinder Frank­furt e.V. here:


Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt
© Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder Frankfurt e.V.