16. September 2016

Noth­ing is impossible – School con­struc­tion in record time

With a con­struc­tion time of only 4 1/2 months the new school ‘Gym­nas­ium Nord’ in West­hausen was able to start classes this Septem­ber. The first year of 5th graders moved into a newly con­struc­ted mod­u­lar build­ing. Besides classrooms, an admin­is­trat­ive area and a cafet­eria are loc­ated in the build­ing, which was built using a mod­u­lar system of pre­fab­ric­ated wooden ele­ments.

The rapid imple­ment­a­tion could be achieved only by an out­stand­ing cooper­a­tion between all parties. The organ­iz­a­tional frame­work for this pur­pose was provided by the Task Force School Con­struc­tion, an inter­de­part­mental organ­iz­a­tion that accel­er­ates pro­ced­ures and decisions during the real­iz­a­tion phase.

Task Force Schulbau