10. May 2023

Frank­furter Zoo — Launch of the master plan devel­op­ment

Fol­low­ing the intro­duc­tion of the concept study "ZOOK­UN­FT2030+ Devel­op­ment Plan for the Zoo of the City of Frank­furt am Main" in 2019, another mile­stone in the devel­op­ment pro­cess of the zoo has been reached with the selec­tion of a part­ner for the master plan pro­cess. 

In a European-wide bid­ding pro­cess con­duc­ted by Frank­furt Zoo together with the Office for Con­struc­tion and Real Estate, the Berlin-based archi­tec­tural firm Dan Pearl­man was selec­ted. Over the next ten months, the goal will be to develop a master plan that trans­lates the concept ideas into real­is­able plan­ning and con­struc­tion ser­vices.

04_VgV Masterplan Zoo
© The Logical Zoo / Zoo Frankfurt

PRO­PRO­JEKT suc­cess­fully sup­por­ted the Office for Con­struc­tion and Real Estate in the coordin­a­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of the Europe-wide nego­ti­ation pro­ced­ure in accord­ance with § 17 VgV for the award of the master plan.

To the offi­cial press release

To the pro­ject