31. January 2025

Feasibility study for the Sportforum Berlin completed

0442_03_Bedarfsplanung Sportforum Berlin

The feas­ib­il­ity study pre­pared by PRO­PRO­JEKT and AS+P for the pro­spect­ive mul­ti­func­tional sta­dium upgrade suit­able for the third divi­sion was com­pleted and sub­mit­ted to the Berlin Senate Depart­ment for the Interior and Sport last year. The res­ults were presen­ted to the Sports Com­mit­tee of the Berlin House of Rep­res­ent­at­ives in mid-Janu­ary and will now be dis­cussed by the admin­is­tra­tion and politi­cians in the fur­ther course of time.

We are excited to see how the pro­ject will be dis­cussed and decided on in the future and are delighted to have con­trib­uted to it.

To the pro­ject