28. July 2020

Exhib­i­tion LIVING THE CITY in the former Tem­pel­hof Air­port

As part of the German Pres­id­ency of the Coun­cil of the EU and the amend­ment of the Leipzig Charter for a sus­tain­able European city, an exhib­i­tion on urban devel­op­ment will be held in the former Tem­pel­hof Air­port Berlin from Septem­ber 25 to Decem­ber 20. The main hall of the former air­port will be con­ver­ted into an access­ible urban land­scape to tell numer­ous stor­ies about “making a city”. Sup­ple­men­ted by a varied sup­port­ing pro­gramme with events organ­ised by insti­tu­tions, clubs and asso­ci­ations, the loc­a­tion is to become a cent­ral venue for dis­cus­sions on urban devel­op­ment in Ger­many and Europe over the entire period.

Living the City - Ausstellung 01

PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the Fed­eral Min­istry of the Interior, Build­ing and Com­munity (BMI) in coordin­at­ing the frame­work pro­gramme and inter­face man­age­ment between the pro­ject par­ti­cipants. In addi­tion, PRO­PRO­JEKT sup­ports the BMI in organ­ising com­mit­tee meet­ings that take place in Tem­pel­hof as part of the German Pres­id­ency of the Coun­cil of the EU.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion on the exhib­i­tion and events can be found at www.nationale-stadtentwicklung­spolitik.de and www.liv­ingthecity.eu.

Living the City - Ausstellung 03